Email Marketing
Build Brand Awareness, Conversions And Customer Loyalty Through E-Marketing
Is your B2B company looking for ways to cement customer loyalty and increase market share? An integrated e-marketing campaign of newsletter sponsorships, card decks, and buyers’ guides may be the way to go. These on-line marketing tools generate invaluable interest among prospects and customers, yet don't require a major investment to implement.
Best of all, each tactic in your e-arsenal can aim at a slightly different target. Newsletter sponsorships, for example, lend themselves well to both company and product presentations, while e-decks and buyers’ guides offer a two-pronged approach to product promotions, with e-decks generating immediate inquiries and buyers’ guide listings maintaining a solid brand presence throughout the year.
Praxis helps clients take full advantage of the bounty of opportunities out there. Not only will we plan and deploy tactics that will link back to your website, we’ll make sure your site is equipped with plenty of good content so that visitors can easily find what they’re looking for. We'll also build in conversion tools to encourage them to take action.
When you partner with Praxis for e-marketing, we will:
- Evaluate the specific audiences your products and services serve
- Determine who within the audience buys or recommends the purchase of your products
- Analyze the top publications, media properties and direct marketing opportunities in your target industry segments that accept sponsorships
- Create content that is simple, direct, and compelling
- Create links from the message that refer prospects to specific pages of content within your web site that fulfill the product or brand promise
- Track the response so that you can see the ROI from your advertising dollars
If you’re ready to reap the benefits of e-marketing for your business, contact us to get started.